- DateLib (TM) - a highly portable library for calendrical calculations

Description: The DateLib (TM) is a highly portable library for all kinds of date and time calculations offered by Dipl.-Inform. Kai Hofmann.

c++ (3790) agenda (1533) airlines (748) appointment (721) airline (527) 2000 (448) algorithm (352) advent (351) 7th heaven (5) 1582 (1)

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The DateLib (TM) is a highly portable library for all kinds of date and time calculations. It features a large range of dates (years 8 to 8000) which can be handled in a correct way spanning modern history. Daylight saving time - including the two change-over days - will be handled in the context of world wide time zones as well. Six (6) different calendar systems and twenty-eight (28) language expressions (for weekdays and names of months) are supported. Powerful auto-analyzing parsers for all kinds of Dat

Having more than hundret (100) functions the DateLib (TM) allows the user to manage everything dealing with Date and Time manipulations. For highest portability the library has been written in a platform independend ANSI-C/C++ style that will also allow integration into other programming languages supporting a C/C++ interface.

The DateLib (TM) can be used within all kinds of applications dealing with Date and Time like:

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