© DAVID CARR-SMITH 2005 : all images and text are copyrighted - please accredit text quotes - image repro must be negotiated via [email protected] Key F11 for full-screen on/off. Click on pics to enlarge. INDEX LIST CONTENTS 4 SITES GRAIN-SILO TETTERODE DE LOODS EDELWEIS APPENDICES NOTES SUB-SITES BOOK: DAVID CARR-SMITH IMPROVISED ARCHITECTURE IN AMSTERDAM INDUSTRIAL SQUATS AND COLLECTIVE S
This web-book presents a visual-conceptual-experiential documentation of four occupied industrial sites in central Amsterdam, researched and recorded between 1990 and 1997 and between 2006 and 2008.
The earliest text was almost all written before 1996 and was prepared for a book whose publication lapsed. Though in some cases refering only to what is now past - the presentness of the experience it conveys is, for me at least - and hopefully also for some who made these marvellous places - a monument to their existence ... De Loods is now destroyed and the Silo gutted. The pre 1996 text is still in the present tense; to convert it to the past would be laborious and sometimes experientially destructive. T