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Recently a list of “New Rules” for Congress (the latest titled “Congressional Reform Act of 2012”) has been circulating from the usual suspects (Facebook, mass emails from older relatives, etc.) and is regarded as clever. While the spirit of it is commendable (who wouldn’t want to see the “above us” politicians reduced to common man status), it is an incredibly glib and uninformed document. What makes my blood boil is when inane copy like this is attributed to someone that is admired. In this case it’s Warr
I admire Buffett, not just that he’s successful on his own merits, but understands that wealth isn’t meant to be hoarded, but used, whether by funding new industries or ideas, or by returning it back to society to better us all. So to see such a weak, transparent set of “rules” being attributed to him makes me shake my head. I suspect that Mr. Buffett is far too diligent and thorough to submit something this vapid to public scrutiny.