davehuer.com - DAVID HUER

Description: . . . . . . . . . . . ahead of the curve

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. . . . . profitably ahead of the curve

I’ve been reviewing patenting matters; and being fascinated by all things New Space, got to speculating. Does patent enforceability define the edge of the known world? Of human civilization? How will the Court enforce patent rights off-Earth? Here’s the link to the full diagram [ pdf link ].

I’ve named the line of enforceability “ Firenzian Enforceability Orbits ” (FEO) = the halfway mark of a physical no-layover trip by counsel (or bailiff!). The FEO name is in honour of the City of Firenze, Tuscany, Italy; city descendant of the Florentine Republic: the first State to award the first recorded patent, granted to Filippo Brunelleschi, architect and engineer (1421).

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