davidhewlett.co.uk - David Hewlett Archive - Home

Description: A Fan-based archive for the Film and Television roles of David Hewlett - screen captures, fiction (gen, hetsmut and slash), photos (stills), synopses, fan art, wallpaper, screen savers, stationery

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Please note: Some of the items on this site are quite large and may take some time to load. This site was designed by Tarlan . Everything on this site is for fans. No profit is made and no copyright infringement is intended.

This FAN site houses images and more for the many different characters portrayed in films and on television by the actor DAVID HEWLETT .

I had a sudden urge to share whatever I had managed to collect on David Hewlett and decided to build this website. I know there are bigger, better, and more well informed sites already available online but this is a rather selfish endeavour, created for me... though I do hope other fans will also take some pleasure out of whatever I create and archive here.

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