davidmarkoswald.com - David Oswald - Training by Entertaining

Description: Lift your dull and dry training by through and engaging and entertaining approach designed and produced by David Oswald - Instructional Designer and training consultant.

Example domain paragraphs

When training content dons the mask of entertainment, the classroom disappears and a world of discovery takes its place. Remember the effortless joy of learning to ride a bike or the thrill of your first arcade game? That's because when we're having fun, barriers crumble and apprehensions melt away.

By blending entertainment with education, we sidestep the intimidating walls of traditional learning. Suddenly, "training" doesn't feel like a task, but a delightful journey. So, let's turn the spotlight on entertaining content and let the magic of effortless learning begin! 🚀🎓🎈

Picture this: On one side, there's traditional training content—a sea of monotonous words and yawning faces. It's like a meal without seasoning; while it might be nutritious, it's hardly palatable. The result? Short-lived engagement, forgotten lessons, and minimal application.