davidpocknee.com - David Pocknee

Description: Website of (ex)-composer David Pocknee.

music (53663) artist (37561) writer (7886) podcast (4871) composer (4771) composition (1538) visual art (877) david pocknee (1) textscoreaday (1) composeradvice (1)

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This is the website of David Pocknee. I am a composer, writer, editor, performer, artist and coder, currently working as a researcher for Ableton in Berlin. I am trained as a composer but I produce art in a lot of different disciplines and styles, from straight-forward concert music to site-specific installations, books, zines, websites, films, net-art, exhibitions, paintings, conceptual albums, artist collectives, comedy and T-shirts. I start from the principle that composition is a historical lineage of t

I make a lot of art. At the time of writing there are about 100 artworks and around 30 pieces of writing viewable on this website and at least 300 more works can be found if you follow the links to external sites. I have tried to arrange the site so that it is easy to navigate through all of this material and hopefully guide you to the works I think are the best.

I stopped composing and making art in November 2019.

Links to davidpocknee.com (1)