davidprinz.org - About me - David Prinz

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Mathematical Physicist

Welcome! I am a mathematical physicist working in the area of Quantum Field Theory, General Relativity and Quantum Gravity. I have just started my postdoc at MPIM Bonn . Previously, I was Riemann fellow in the group of Prof Giulini . Last year, I finished my doctoral studies at HU Berlin in the group of Prof Kreimer . Find my entry in the Mathematics Genealogy Project here .

Welcome! I am a mathematical physicist working in the area of Quantum Field Theory, General Relativity and Quantum Gravity. I am a postdoctoral fellow at MPIM Bonn . Previously, I was Riemann fellow in the group of Prof Giulini . Last year, I finished my doctoral studies at HU Berlin in the group of Prof Kreimer . Find my entry in the Mathematics Genealogy Project here .