davidrreynolds.org - 1st Lt. David Richard Reynolds Headquarters Chapter, DCV

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The 1st Lt. David Richard Reynolds Camp #2270 an active camp in the Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp, located in Mount Pleasant, Texas. What is a camp you may ask, well much like a Freemason's Lodge, Boy Scout Troop etc., a camp is not a building or place of meeting but the physical body of the local membership.

While here, why not listen to our Camp Song, "Sons of Confederate Veterans", written and produced by our Camp member, Harry King and sung by Hal Roper.

The Sons of Confederate Veterans is an organization preserving the history and legacy of Confederate Heroes, so future generations may understand the motives that galvanized the Southern Cause. The SCV is the direct successor of the United Confederate Veterans, and the oldest hereditary organization for male descendants of Confederate Soldiers. Organized at Richmond, Virginia, in 1986, the SCV continues to serve as a historical, patriotic and non-political organization dedicated to ensuring that a true hist