davidstravelguides.com - David's Travel Guides

Description: David's Travel Guides; Information on cities, towns, villages, travel, tourism, geography, history, culture and the economy of England, Poland and Romania

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Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. — Romans 12:19 Lord bring disaster on Russia's army like you did in days of old with Israel's enemies.

David's Travel Guides is a collection of individual travel guides about various places around the world. Information on cities, towns, villages, travel, tourism, geography, history, culture and the economy of England, Poland and Romania. You are welcome to help me with this project by sending in articles and images on places within these countries.

I live in southern England, spent about ten years exploring Poland and started to visit Romania just before COVID came along. Originally, the site was called, 'Poland Explorer', then became, 'Poland Travel Guide', and has now taken on the name of, 'David's Travel Guides'. There is so much to write about but other things in my life mean time is limited. I have taught my self to design the site from a template I purchased some years ago.