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Should You Get 김해출장마사지 Massage For Your Whiplash Injury? And Don’t Let Your Therapist Make This Mistake. Hey, it’s Mark here, the accident help guy sharing tips to help you handle and recover from your accident.

This is the 15th of an ongoing series of short to-the-point, quick-action videos to help you deal with and recover from your accident as soon as possible. Last time we discussed various whiplash treatments and now we’ll review massage for whiplash In a moment I’ll reveal a mistake you’ll want to ensure your therapist doesn’t make… So go through this entire video so you don’t miss that.

As I mentioned previously whiplash is a neck injury to the ligaments and muscles of your neck that is very common after an auto accident, especially after a rear-end collision. Just as a quick aside note: According to a fairly recent pain research and management study almost 45% of Americans claim their chronic neck pain is from a motor vehicle accident.

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