dbtouch.com - Digital Business Solutions - DB TOUCH

Description: Unaprijedite Vaše poslovanje s našim DB Touch cloud rješenjima. Stvorite nove vrijednosti u Vašem poslovanju uz digitalnu transformacija poslovanja!

saas (3404) digital signage (1177) web shop (229) task management (201) erv (37) evidencija radnog vremena (7) cloud rješenja (3) digitalizacija poslovanja (2) softvare za poslovanje (1)

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We are a team of profesionals with expertise in business management, software development and design. Every member of our team is at disposal to our clients. Our friendly aproach, unique business solutions and experience will make your bussines run at a faster pace with less costs in no time!

Not sure which solution is best for you? Send us an email with the problem you want to solve or the goal you want to achieve.

Custom development