- Willem de Kooning

Description: Willem de Kooning, an index upon published works.

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A list of reproductions of works by Willem de Kooning, published in the main body of books and catalogues on De Kooning, including the current links to images provided by museums and galleries. Maintained by Kasper Sloots. You can contact me at: [email protected] Codes for the included books and catalogues General remarks Coverage of De Kooning's oeuvre Links De Kooning, ca. 1984 (Photo downloaded, source unknown)

Early years (1917-1934)                 Reproductions list 1917-1934 Willem de Kooning was born in 1904 in Rotterdam, Holland. From 1916 till 1925 he studied at the Rotterdam Academy of Arts. Little works from these years have survived. The earliest reproductions include three still lifes: two oil paintings attributed to 1917, and a drawing from 1921 (DW 8). Both are perfectly executed academic pieces with pots, cups and bowls, showing De Kooning's capacities for realistic works. Then there's a Male portrai

Portraits and abstracts (1935-1950)                 Reproductions list 1935-1950 During the recession of the thirties the US government started sponsoring projects for artists. De Kooning was assigned to several projects for painting murals. Still much work got lost or destroyed be the artist himself, like the drawing that was exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in 1936. He now decided to make being an artist his main business, but kept doing side jobs when necessary. In the murals De Kooning combined fig