ohio (5866) landscaping (5332) green (3531) home care (1731) ground cover (43) nontoxic (36) lawm (2) 98 percent recycled material (1)
For more information or to place an order, email our sales manager: [email protected] Headquarters: 15551 NEO Parkway Garfield Hts, OH 44128
Manufacturing Plant: 1455 E. 185th St. Cleveland, OH 44110
Decade is a high performance, synthetic ground cover made from recycled plastic. It is perfect for all residential and commercial landscaping needs. Unlike wood or rubber mulch, Decade ground cover is "green" and made from 98% recycled material. Our ground cover is non-toxic, odorless, and colorfast. Extend the mulching season with application at any time and choose Decade for your superior landscaping projects.