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Physiotherapy has a good therapeutic effect, as well as spa treatment. The course of dermatoses is often accompanied by obvious signs of inflammation, which are effectively stopped by drugs of the glucocorticosteroid group.

Taking into account the stage of the disease, the doctor selects drugs, the method, as well as the form of its administration. The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and cannot replace professional advice and qualified medical assistance. At the slightest suspicion of the presence of this disease, be sure to buy dexamethasone online a doctor! Dermatosis is the general name for a large group of skin diseases of various origins and with a variety of clinical symptoms. Path

Dermatoses can develop under the influence of a number of decadron and endogenous factors. To exogenous, in partThese include exposure to high temperatures and aggressive chemical compounds (burns), viral and bacterial infectious agents, and mechanical damage. Skin lesions are often the result of exposure to toxins from insect bites, as well as infection after animal bites (in such cases it is customary to speak of dermatozoonoses).

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