- Decentralized Security

Description: We are working with NuCypher and Ethereum Fundation to contribute some fundamental cybersecurity building blocks to the blockchain ecosystem

Example domain paragraphs

Helping the Blockchain Ecosystem Grow by Developing some Fundamental Cybersecurity Building Blocks

Projects Measuring Workers in PoS Networks Proof of Stake (PoS) networks usually require worker nodes to do some work in order to keep or increase their stake. Measuring the amount of work performed by each node in a secured and truly decentralized way is a huge challenge. We have implemented a proof of concept (PoC) side chain to report the worker nodes that are actively participating in the NuCypher network, using the same principles of Optimistic Rollups. We use Ethermint (now Evmos) and BLS signatures t

BLS signatures will become one of the fundamental building BLS signatures will become one of the fundamental building blocks for ETH 2.0. However, this particular scheme is not yet supported by commercial HSM. By developing an open source BLS HSM, we give ETH 2.0 node operators the opportunity to easily incorporate higher security measures. We base our solution in ARM TrustZone technology to protect validators’ private keys.

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