- Decision Space, Sebastian Schmieg, 2016

Description: Decision Space takes a closer look at how machine vision datasets are created: developed on the website of The Photographers' Gallery, the new commission invites visitors to assign all the images available on the website to one of four categories: Future, Past, Problem and Solution.

photography (49935) machine learning (3481) future (3207) solution (2260) labor (1185) problem (435) past (155) decision space (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Launched in October 2016 on the website of The  Photographers’  Gallery , Decision Space marked the beginning of a series of works raising questions around photography, big-data, surveillance, the hidden manual labor behind artificial intelligence and the biases embedded in algorithmic systems.

In Decision Space, visitors were invited to assign all the images available on the gallery’s website to one of four categories: Problem, Solution, Past and Future. Additionally to overlaying all images on the TPG website with the classification system, provided a focused environment for further decision- and click-work on the dataset.

Decision Space resulted in a new conceptual dataset for machine learning and machine vision which can be browsed and downloaded at This  is  the  Problem,  the  Solution,  the  Past  and  the  Future .