- High-Dimensional Partial Differential Equations - Deep PDE

Description: The open-source platform where review papers and codes shared for high-dimensional PDEs, with ideas from either deep learning or nonlinear Monte Carlo.

Example domain paragraphs

New tools for PDE

In recent years, tremendous progress has been made on numerical algorithms for solving partial differential equations in a very high dimension, using ideas from either nonlinear (multilevel) Monte Carlo or deep learning. They are potentially free of the curse of dimensionality and has been proven to be so for a class of nonlinear Monte Carlo methods.

The recent review paper has reviewed these numerical and theoretical advances. In addition to algorithms based on stochastic reformulations of the original problem, such as the multilevel Picard iteration and the Deep BSDE method, we also discuss algorithms based on the more traditional Ritz, Galerkin, and least square formulations. We hope to demonstrate to the reader that studying partial differential equations as well as control and variational problems in very high dimensions might very well be among th