- Deep Time Walk - explore Earth history and geological time

Description: Explore Earth history like never before with the Deep Time Walk. Walk 4.6km through 4.6bn years of Earth history, learn about key concepts from Earth’s evolution and experience a unique perspective of deep time. A transformative experience across Earth's geological timeline for iOS and Android.

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Explore the Climate Emergency via a transformative walking experience that leads participants into a profound connection with the more-than-human world.

Deep Time Walk is a transformative journey through 4.6bn years of Earth history via a 4.6km guided walk. It is an invitation to view the world differently, encouraging positive action and advocacy for a regenerative Earth.

We provide tools and resources to empower a global community of changemakers and volunteer facilitators. Our vision is to empower an ensemble of geographically specific and culturally nuanced Deep Time Walks, providing an intercultural story-telling platform that helps bring about a diverse, flourishing ecological civilisation.

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