Description: Our automated court software eliminates the need to manually remind defendants of check ins, court dates, drug tests, bail hearings or diversion programs. court date text reminders free court reminder letter text message court reminders probation text reminders
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Easily keep track of all your defendants information such as Name, DOB, Address, etc. With the ability to add documents and case notes, you no longer need to bounce between platforms.
Our GPS Check-in texts allow the defendant to check-in by clicking a link which will in turn give the end-user a location along with a history of past GPS Check-ins.
Never call defendants again to remind them of check ins, court dates, drug tests, bail hearings or diversion programs. With our calendar widget you simply add events and it will automatically remind your defendants. Check-In reminders with or without GPS location , Court Date reminders, Drug Test reminders or simply add your own.