- Defunct: Issue 8

Description: A literary repository for the ages. A unique literary journal featuring fine reviews and essays about Defunctness.

magazine (9077) writing (6293) review (2957) journal (2210) essay (472) literary (406) defunct (10)

Example domain paragraphs

Last month, I had the opportunity to travel to Gibbon, Nebraska to witness the annual migration of the Sandhill Cranes, who—for the past several thousand years—have journeyed to Gibbon each spring to feast and rest along the still waters of the Platte River. Nebraska is their only prolonged stopover between the places that they’ve been—namely, Mexico—and the places where they are headed: Michigan, Canada, even—in some rare cases—Siberia. At the height of the migration season, there are an estimated half a m

It’s a magnificent sight, and standing there in the bare-bones, unheated viewing blind from 5am-8am, as I did, I was reminded of what we do, the staff and readers of Defunct . We trust, of course, that we’ll find the beautiful gems—the essays in our submission pile that stand out among the rest—and like the cranes’ predictable descent into the river, we always do. In this issue, we’re delighted to share what we consider some of the best flash nonfiction—essays that conjure a beautifully lyrical sense of def

We're so thrilled with this latest issue, and hope you will be, as well.