- The reality of dating a younger guy; with Susan Winter

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Contents: Older women, younger men: a perennially popular topic Reasons Why Single Women in Their 40s Should Try the “Cougar” Thing. At Least Briefly. Why older women and younger men are a perfect match Older women dating younger men: taking a closer look The reality of dating a younger guy; with Susan Winter

They met at the University of Hawaii in November , when she was a law student and he was a sophomore undergraduate. In April , they had an intimate beachside wedding in Hawaii, and they now have a 6-year-old son, Marek.

But when he was set up with Siegner by a mutual friend, matchmaker Sameera Sullivan , he says his life turned around. And unlike his previous flings, Siegner wanted a serious relationship and was straightforward about her desires. Soon after they met, he cleaned up his act and left the entertainment industry. Indeed, for men aged , the ideal women is older rather than younger; someone who can teach them the art of romance. Interestingly, according to the study, it's not just younger men who like this dynami