- End Times Bible Prophecy from Now The End Begins

Description: Preaching and teaching end times bible prophecy on the authority of the King James Holy Bible in the days before the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church.

end times (240) bible prophecy (169) king james bible (110) last days (81) pretribulation rapture (21) now the end begins (17)

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America was founded  on freedom and capitalism, while Socialism and Communism are the sworn enemy of both those ideals. America in 2019 is flirting with  making a switch to Socialism  as we have seen with the red rise of people like  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez . Even if the nearly 80 year old Sanders doesn’t get very far, the Left is stacking their deck with hardcore Democratic Socialists. Which do you prefer, the frying pan or the fire?

“Together, you and I and our 2016 campaign began the political revolution. Now, it is time to complete that revolution and implement the vision that we fought for,” Sanders said in an email to supporters and a video announcing his candidacy.

The 77-year-old independent senator from Vermont, who started his political career as a gadfly perennial candidate, remains a pacesetter of progressive politics in America, helping to craft a liberal agenda that includes everything from Medicare for All to a $15 minimum wage to free college tuition. READ MORE