- Denka Lift - Rothlehner Arbeitsbühnen

Description: Vertrieb und Service von Anhänger-Arbeitsbühnen, LKW-Arbeitsbühnen ✓ Scheren-Arbeitsbühnen ✓ Gelenk-Teleskop Selbstfahrer ✓ Mastbühnen ✓ Eigenmarke Denka-Lift ✓

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X Legal Notice Links/Downloads New Machines Trailer Truck mounted up to 3,5t Truck Mounts >3,5t Track-Mounted Spider Lifts Scissor Plattforms 5-14m Scissor Lifts 12-37m Self propelled platforms Vertical Masts Special narrow appliances Used machines Trailers trucks Scissors Self Propelled Crawlers Stock & Demo Machines Purchase Service Locations News Bühnenspiegel Trade Fairs About Us Mission Statement Contact DENKA • LIFT my product list DENKA • LIFT In June 2013, after 30 years of close cooperation, Rothle

The relay control previously used has been replaced by an intelligent TTControl control unit with an error display, software-controlled Fronius charging technology contributes to a longer battery life, a more powerful maneuvering drive and the automatic leveling option increase ease of use. The popular and simple operation is being kept within all models, as is the high stability of the telescopic boom made of extruded aluminum profiles and the associated value retention.

Produkt-Information Tel. +49 8724 9601-0 E-Mail: [email protected]