Description: MakeMeSecure provides four major services related to personal and business security; SecureCCTV consult, install, upgrade, maintenance of security surveilance systems. SecureDATA consult, install, upgrade, maintain IT services, including but not limited to Computer sale, repair, instalation, networking, Web design, logo design, database, safe data storage, application development. SecureSHOP catalog shoping for security items:surveilance camera, digital recording units, accessories, computer parts, etc... S
sell (10863) parts (6527) maintenance (6394) computers (4181) cctv (3366) install (1141) consult (784) makemesecure (3) security measures business and personal (3) surveilance camera (3)
Tel: 416-910-9080 OR 416-419-9631
e-mail: [email protected]
2008.04.08 SecureSHOP - Starts selling products worldwide 2007.09.10 Web page launched. We are excited to provide our clientelle with new level of service.