- Denver English Country Dance - April 26th | all dances taught and walked through, no partner or previous experience needed.

Description: Denver English Country Dance - April 26th | all dances taught and walked through - no partner or previous experience needed. These are the Victorian and Regency era community dances you saw in the Jane Austen movies.

dance (9733) english (5327) country (3735) denver (2936) award (996) pride (545) sense (217) caller (86) prejudice (46) sensibility (9)

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Mr. Beverage's Maggott, as danced in Pride & Prejudice, 1995

from the February 2018 English Country Dance

It was pro­posed that we should have another dance this night and Blake and Perkins, a couple of young fellows, both strangers in town, undertook to be managers.  We drank tea, a number of us, at Mr. Caleb Thaxter's, and, at about seven, went again to Mrs. Derby's hall, where a partition between two cham­bers had been taken down, which made it much more convenient than it was the night before.  There were about thirty gentlemen and forty ladies; about twenty couple could stand up at once, and the rest amuse

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