- Early Detection and Prevention of Depression

Description: Effects of Chronic Stress, Depression, Risk of Depression, Voice Analysis, Speaking Behavior, Voice Sound Characteristics, Hearing Loss and Stress, Hearing Loss and Depression, Self-assessment Auditory Evaluation at Home, Auditory Training at Home, personalized hearing-loss specific auditory training, Early Detection and Prevention of Depression, Biofeedback, Efectos del estrés crónico, Depresión, Riesgo de d

depression (5887) immune system (183) early detection (25) chronic stress (21) sleep quality (8) affective disorders (8) stress-related health problems (7) risk of heart attack and stroke (7) coping behavior (7) vulnerability to psychiatric disorders (7)

Example domain paragraphs

Chronic stress, a major characteristic of our time, can lead to serious health problems and can affect nearly every system of the human body. In some 10-15% of the general population, chronic stress raises blood pressure, increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, suppresses the immune system, and increases the vulnerability to psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety, depression, or schizophrenia.

Basic rules: (1) get enough sleep; (2) control consumption behavior; (3) care for a balanced diet; (4) do regular exercises to meet the "Recommendation for Adults" of the American Heart Association as to moderate-intensity cardio or aerobic exercise — How often do you go for a walk/hike? Do you ride a bicycle? Are you doing sport?

You feel overextended with the daily grind? Have fallen far behind with your paperwork? Are in over your head? Then you should learn how to better cope with the demands of your life. Get involved and learn more about the complex interplay between body and mind under high levels of stress caused, for example, by modern work conditions or by tight schedules and frequent examinations in college. Learn more about your affects, the evolutionarily very old processes deep inside your body.