- Depthen | Reshape your business strategy with Artificial Intelligence APIs and Services

Description: Depthen provides deep learning based advanced image recognition systems to recognize various categories, objects and elements in images, videos and sounds, as well as find similar content. The company’s algorithms allow the customers to find similar images in very large uncategorized repositories using a combination of smart semantic and visual similarities.

ai (10837) artificial intelligence (4395) deep learning (1274) stock photo (135) image recognition (131) image analysis (104) photo catalog (4) depthen (1) stephane dupont (1) laurent renard (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Enrich you images and streams with meta-data of relevance to your business

Automatically enrich your meta-data, organize, tag and add keywords to your images, videos and sounds

Enpower your business with our end-to-end, easy to use, trainable, self learning and customizable Artificial Intelligence models