- Derma Care

Description: Derma Care (Pvt) Ltd. (DCPL) was incorporated in 2009 keeping in line with Vision & Strategy of the My Chemist group. DCPL commenced its operations as the authorized Marketer & the local distributor for the goods imported by its sister company My Chemist International (Pvt) Ltd. This was a strategic venture to strengthen the business focus of My Chemist group on “Health & Beauty care” in the marketplace adopting a “Selective distribution strategy for our products”

dermacare (5) thymuskin (3) health beauty care (2) basicare (2) derma color (2) (1) my chemist international (1) sri lanka autorized distributer (1) dermaveen (1) derma care (pvt) ltd

Example domain paragraphs

Selective Distribution Strategy for Our Products.

#86, Kirulapone Avenue, Colombo 05, Sri Lanka.

+94 112 512 536