- Designs By Katy

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May 28th, 2019

The lovely Maggie of Polished Closets invited me to be a part of the #momtalkbloggers series and I’m so excited to share my thoughts on baby sleep training. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned as a mom is this: you have to figure out what works for you! Everyone is different (especially every baby) but one thing that keeps ALL of us happy at home is: SLEEP. If mom, dad and baby are rested you can take on anything in the day. We had a bumpy road figuring out sleep with T, but thanks to some very encourag

First off, a sound machine is so helpful.  We love this one (and now I even take one with me on work trips!). Swaddles and a good bassinet are also key.  We could not master the folding technique (and our baby was a talented squirmer) and these Velcro wraps worked wonders for us.