Description: Kate McGregor is an Education Consultant. She works across the UK helping schools, academies and academy trusts to raise aspirations and achievement. Kate is a pioneering practitioner - she has created new methods and tools to acheive measurable improvements in Teaching & Learning - real-world results that are recognised by OfSTED.
uk (35406) education (20907) consultant (7589) academy (2836) schools (2609) united kingdom (1769) ofsted (122) academies (97) kate mcgregor (1) ofsted rating (1)
Education Consultant
Kate McGregor is an Education Consultant that works cross-academy, with leadership teams, at faculty level, with subject leaders or departments and one to one in classroom environments to raise aspirations and achievement.
Working with staff to help them to re-engage with their classroom practice, personalised teacher development is a powerful tool for sustained improvement.