- about-Off The Rez

Description: Regina Simons, Native American, Artist, Performer, Director, Writer. Dezbah Productions

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Off The Rez  grew from a class I took several years ago. We focused on branding and areas of interest that inspire creativity. My family history is steeped in Native culture as both my parents - and generations before them - come from the Navajo (Oozéí Táchii'nii) Hopi, Assiniboine & Santee nations. We do not currently live on a reservation. In fact, most Native people today do not live on reservations. We are frequently living " Off the Rez ." 

Working within the Native community in Southern California, I witnessed firsthand the many challenges families face today. Challenges rooted in a deep-seated trauma inherited from generations past, stemming from the early interactions between Native Americans and the colonizers. Despite this, our community remains resilient and grounded in virtues such as:

I am humbled and inspired by those who uplift their communities, including artists, musicians, performers, jewelers, teachers, storytellers, and healers. Although past scars remain, the Native community continues to survive and thrive. I am honored to join this journey with  Off the Rez .