dfpug.com - Welcome to the homepage of the FoxPro User Group

Description: Homepage deutschsprachige FoxPro User Group (dFPUG) zu Microsoft Visual FoxPro

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our Homepage is in German only but we do have English pages at:

The FoxPro User Group of German language Inc., dFPUG, looks after about 800 member companies in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. It has been organizing the very succesful German VFP DevCon since 1994. You can have a look at the ample conference proceedings and the periodical, 'FoxxProfessional' (200 printed pages A4 quarterly) in our document portal. Additionally we do offer an eNewsletter, a Wiki, press releases, reginonal events, hotline and such - but all these offers are available in German only, sorr

Since March 2008 the dFPUG has taken over FoxTalk and publishes it now under the new name FoxRockX. Have a look at the FoxPro-only magazine in English at our dedicated English homepage!

Links to dfpug.com (1)