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The David Gordon Louis Daniel Foundation is named in memory of David Gordon Louis Daniel, who was killed in a vehicular accident on July 31, 2004. David Gordon, a Spring Hill Elementary School student in McLean, Virginia, was almost eight at the time of his death. David was a very special child who had remarkable intellectual ability and also great compassion, concern for others, and an overriding love of learning. The mission of the Foundation grows out of the qualities that made David so extraordinary:

To create innovative programs that engender in children and young adults a lifelong love of learning, a desire to help others and to give back to their communities, and the inspiration and confidence to fulfill their potential in school and beyond.

The Foundation supports endeavors that directly impact children and young adults and enhance their learning experiences. Our aim is to develop innovative programs that engender in children and young adults a lifelong love of learning, a desire to help others and give back to their communities, and the inspiration and confidence to fulfill their potential in school and beyond.