dgoblog.com - Data Governance Office BlogData Governance Blog

Description: Data Governance is known by many names including master data management, data management, information governance, information security, etc. Data Governance is a business process and the output comes in the form of business intelligence.

information architecture (298) information management (203) data governance (115) master data management (60) data architecture (53) information governance (32) enterprise data management (13) customer data integration (6) business ingelligence (2) enterprise data governance (1)

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Welcome to the Data Governance Office with The Data Governor TM - John A. Eisenhauer

Trust! Kings have built empires on it. Generals have won un-winnable battles with it. CEO’s build their companies on it. You base Billion dollar decisions on the trusted input of your leadership teams. You make huge investments in marketing and public relations campaigns designed solely for the purpose of creating customer trust. It’s a powerful force. It can be the cornerstone of your empire or the Achilles heel of failure!

How do you decide where to place your trust, though? What do you do when you’re not sure? Do you guess? Do you go with your gut instinct? Many CEO’s report basing a significant number of key decisions on gut feel or a small number of factors because they don’t have sufficient trust; not in their advisors of course, but in the information used to make critical decisions. The human mind can only process seven to ten pieces of information at any one time. Most decisions CEO’s make require much more than seven