dgsiegel.net - daniel g. siegel

Description: Daniel G. Siegel is an independent consultant, founder of Big Idea Initiative, public speaker, private airplane pilot, and 2nd dan black belt in taekwondo

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I give you the strategy , technology , and skills to become a trusted brand

It’s true. Every business is a people business. Many think it would be enough just to ramp up on technology. Creating a digital strategy would be a hell of a lot easier if they were right about that. But they’re wrong.

Technology as a marketing tool is both necessary and hugely intimidating, but we’re easily dazzled by slick ad campaigns created for a world running in overdrive. We react to them on the most basic level. Vibrant colors, stunning graphics, and killer headlines stop us in our tracks and capture our imaginations... until the next thing comes along. That kind of quick-moving strategy has been effective for many businesses.

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