dhruvkuchhal.com - Dhruv Kuchhal

Description: Cloud Security Researcher at Lacework, Inc.

security (10054) privacy (2031) paypal (1435) computer science (1339) cs (624) fraud (623) gt (346) georgia tech (73) dhruv (11) kuchhal (1)

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I’m a PhD Candidate in Computer Science at Georgia Tech (GT), fortunate to be advised by Frank Li in the School of Cybersecurity and Privacy (SCP) . I was recognized as an RSAC Security Scholar (among 50 students across US) in 2023.

My research interests lie broadly in data-driven studies of real-world computer security and privacy problems , often involving large-scale mining of measurements. Most recently, I have focused on web security and privacy.

Summers of 2021 and 2022, I worked with Adam Oest in the Advanced Threats Group (Anti-Fraud) at PayPal, on securing PayPal's deployment of FIDO2-based passwordless authentication.