dianahsu.com - Floral Watercolor Artists | Watercolor Paintings | Watercolor Artists

Description: Original transparent watercolor paintings, festival schedules and online video demonstrations by watercolor artist Diana Hsu.

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Thank you for visiting, I hope you enjoy viewing the watercolors within. My name is Diana Hsu, I am 32 years of age and watercolors are my passion. Born in Taipei, Taiwan I began painting watercolors at the age of 15. After graduating from college in 1999 and now living in Oklahoma watercolors became my livelihood.

Transparent watercolors are my chosen medium due to several impacting factors. The first and foremost, is the challenge each and every painting creates. Transparent watercolor is a very unforgiving medium and allows little room for errors. I have always felt a great sense of accomplishment when I complete a watercolor.

There is no use of airbrush, acrylic, gouache, masking, or any painting aid in my watercolors. I use only Winsor and Newton transparent watercolors and brushes. Secondly, watercolors were the first medium I worked in as a 15 year old and there was an instant gratification. Oil and acrylic are complicated and difficult mediums as well, but at this point in my life I feel at my best with a palette of watercolors and a simple sheet of Arches rag watercolor paper.