diasfera.com - Diasfera Limited

Description: Point-of-care solutions and clinical diagnostics; and the development of medical testing laboratory infrastructure. UK, UA, LT.

medical (6854) testing (2472) diagnostic (828) clinical (758) poc (177) point-of-care (66)

Example domain paragraphs

We combine expertise across the healthcare sector with a specific focus on point-of-care and end-to-end solutions for medical diagnostics in public and private healthcare systems.

Solutions for point-of-care testing

Diasfera distributes to laboratories, hospitals and point-of-care environments in both the private and public healthcare systems.  Diasfera has developed as an international distributor of medical diagnostics equipment – specialising in providing Point-of-Care and end-to-end solutions for use in private and public healthcare systems. Most of such equipment is for the diagnosis and treatment of cancers and diabetes. Pharmaceuticals do not feature.  Diasfera has experience of a wider range of diagnostic equip