dickwhite.com - Dick White: Random Sanity

Description: A humorous site named Random Sanity by Dick White, consisting mostly of satirical news stories and advertisements. House rules include 'No clicking on Dick's face'. Readers may submit content for the site.

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People went on hunger strikes. Unofficially, 13 suicides were attributed to PDS (Porthole Deficiency Syndrome). Some of the madness continues to this day. It is out of a sense of duty to those loyal readers (the seven who are still living) that I am honoring an eleven year old promise to revive the Porthole.

For the benefit of former readers, who at this stage of life are living in a world of nostalgia, I have made the appearance as close as possible to the original, within the fonts and other web constraints I have to live with.

There is one change for the better. This column was always relegated to the top right corner of the editorial page, with the top left being reserved for editorials (mostly written by the editor), purportedly of more importance. Well, guess who's in charge now, Mr. Harley McNair? Porthole. Top. Left. Page one. Where it belongs.