didik.biz - DIDIK Design. Thoughts, designs, proposals and projects by Frank Didik including thoughts on science, business and society

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DIDIK . com DIDIK® is a registered trademark Contact Frank Didik at: inquiry [at] didik.com   (New York City, USA) Designs, Projects, Proposals and Innovations by Frank Didik Trans-Global Highway | Inflatable Structures and Shelters | Frank Didik thoughts | Designing Electric Vehicles | Solar Energy | Electric Car Owners Society | Stereo 3D Lenticular | E.Europe | Art , Films and D esign | . Frank Didik thoughts | World of Tomorrow | Photo Journalism | NYC in Pictures | Japan Stock Photo Archive   Main Menu

I encourage everyone to do whatever you can do, to the best of your ability and try to make your dreams a reality. Thoughts by Frank Didik Please visit www.FrankDidik.com for more thoughts by Frank Didik A million plus people a month can't be wrong! These thoughts are organized by popularity rather than chronologically. Sometimes you must scroll down for the latest thoughts. Updated October 13, 2022 " Didik Sun Shark " Solar-Electric safety motorcycle. " Didik Shooting Star " Gas-Hybrid fantasy vehicle buil

To view this site as it was in 2007, please click here . Didik Solar Energy Research Ths secret to manufacturing a viable electric car Didik foldable Muscle Car Frank Didik proposal for the Trans-Global Highway " Didik Simplicity " Electric hybrid vehicle with rear wheel turning. DIDIK 2020 Prototype worlds smallest, lightest 4x5 film camera - scanable 5 gigapixels Bottom Door Utility Truck Patent Pending The Bottom Door Utility Truck enhances worker comfort and safety by allowing workers access to manholes