- Digital Tools & Uses | Book series

Description: A book series devoted to the uses and development of digital tools, edited by Imad Saleh in collaboration with Nasreddine Bouhai, Hakim Hachour, Laure Leroy, Everardo Reyes, Samuel Szoniecky, all members of Lab Paragraphe at Université Paris 8.

internet (24810) technology (17013) digital (15545) tools (5097) objects (325) book series (54) hypertext (53) uses (36) hypermedia (20) iste london (1)

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The development of digital tools, in particular hypermedia –a fundamental object of research since 1980s- emerged at the crossing boundaries between hypertext and multimedia. They were deeply involved in the expansion of the World Wide Web, within a process of industrialization that accompanied the transformation of our societies into information societies, led irreversibly by the digital.

This book series is devoted to the uses and development of digital tools. It aims at observing the industrial reality of digital objects through the looking glass of technologies at large, which are constantly reintroducing new uses. At the same time, the series is also interested in the relationship between technology and knowledge. It is no longer possible to ignore the experiences, the recent advances on adaptive interfaces, hyper-objects, digital objects, web design, virtual reality, knowledge acquisiti

Le développement du numérique, et surtout de l’hypermédia -véritable objet de recherches depuis les années 1980- est né de la rencontre entre hypertexte et multimédia. Il a été impliqué au sein du déploiement mondial du Web, dans un processus d'industrialisation qui a accompagné la mutation de nos sociétés en « sociétés de l'information » portées par une nouvelle ère irrémédiablement numérique.

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