dinapivka.si - Dina Pivka - center o velikih zvereh

Description: Obiščite edinstveni poučno-zabavni center v Sloveniji in doživite zanimiv svet volka, risa in medveda v ambientu čarobnega gozda s pomočjo najsodobnejše tehnologije virtualne in obogatene resničnosti.

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The coexistence of humans and large carnivores in the northern Dinarides goes back to a far past, it is a heritage that is still to be built. Partners in the project will invest their expertise and enthusiasm to make the coexistence of people and large carnivores in the northern Dinaric region even more successful.

The Center will be the central point of the Slovenian and Croatian Dinaric space for displaying and spreading all the tools and knowledge about large carnivores as well as guiding visitors across the entire Northern Dinarides.

Links to dinapivka.si (5)