dirchansky.com - Dirchansky

Description: Storyteller, illustrator, zine maker, and comic creator based in Canada.

canada (14984) comics (3890) comic (2423) dirchansky (1)

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I had a weird, thriving personal site full of niche interest rabbit holes and more. Due to unethical generative A I and increasing internet dysfunction and lack of privacy, I removed most of what used to be publicly available. This made me sad, as I enjoy sharing and connecting with nice people with similar interests, however, I felt the need to put up some safeguards against the baddies. If you aren't a baddie, and have questions or want to see more, get in touch !

dirchansky[at]proton.me blog guestbook mastodon/fediverse artistree itch cartoonist coop forums Love Love Hill (closed)

I'm Dirchansky—a comic creator and storyteller. I experiment with all genres and styles, but gravitate towards creating stories with subtle character feelings, expressions, gestures, interactions, and relationships. I've lived in several places situated on the lands of First Nations and Indigenous People , but am currently settled in Treaty 6 territory.