districtcourts.govt.nz - Home | The District Court of New Zealand

Description: Official website of the District Courts of New Zealand. This site contains information about the District Court and publishes judicial decisions in a searchable database of District Court judgments including decisions on criminal, family, youth and civil matters. Learn about the Judiciary of the District Courts - Criminal and Civil jurisdictions - Family Court and Youth Court, how judges make decisions, find decisions, judgments and case law summaries and read reports and publications from the Courts.

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This is the website of the District Court Judiciary. The purpose of this website is to inform you about the role and work of the District Court Judges, and provide a database for a selection of court decisions.

The District Court is the largest court in Australasia.   Most New Zealanders who go to court will go through the entire justice process in the District Court. Each year, up to  182 permanent Judges in 58 courthouses deal with approximately 200,000 criminal, family, youth and civil matters.

Judicial decisions from a representative sample of these cases are published here , with emphasis on significant decisions of particular interest. Selections are updated regularly in an independent process — overseen by an Editorial Board of Judges. Alongside other background material, the publication of decisions on this website aims to enhance the open and transparent administration of justice in Aotearoa New Zealand.

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