Description: The unitove: Divereignty, an world luminous where the Health, the Betweelp, the Peace, the Family, the Joy, and especially the Love be the only words of nour future!
health (21452) family (12635) love (7361) peace (1913) joy (943) divine (328) sovereign (117) divereignty (3) divereign (3) betweelp (3)
The calendar of divereign compose of 364 days, either 13 months of 28 days, or 4 weeks of 7 days.
Months: The first month => Firmonth The second month => Secmonth The third month => Thimonth The fourth month => Foumonth The fiveth month => Fivmonth The sixth month => Sixmonth The seventh month => Sevmonth The eighth month => Eigmonth The nineth month => Ninmonth The tenth month => Tenmonth The firsteenth month => Fitmonth The secondteenth month => Setmonth The thirdteenth month => Onymonth (a mix of "Old" and "New" "Year")
Days: The first day => Firday The second day => Secday The third day => Thiday The fourth day => Fouday The fiveth day => Fivday The sixth day => Sixday The seventh day => Sevday