divineheartofgod.org - The Divine Heart of God the Father Encompassing All Hearts – Infinite Love

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Infinite Love

“I want everyone to venerate My Divine Heart, because it is the Heart of a Father who loves His children with Infinite Love. Anyone who adores My Divine Heart atones for a multitude of sins. Console My Divine Heart and repair from your hearts (…) In this manner, peace – My Peace – will come on earth. Joy, Happiness, and Love will reign in the world once more.

“My Divine Heart is the Heart of a Father Who loves His children to folly (…) a refuge for all men to come and rest in It, as a haven from the cares and burdens of the world (…) I desire to be loved, honored, worshipped, and venerated by all My children (…) Do not deny your Father this plea. I will accept anyone who comes to Me with a sincere heart.