divyanshgarg.com - Divyansh Garg

Description: I'm a recent graduate from Cornell University completing a BSc Honors in Computer Science. I am passionate about all things Deep Learning as well as its applications to Vision.

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divgarg [at] stanford [dot] edu

Hi, I'm Div. I am a computer scientist and AI researcher. I am on a leave of absence from a CS PhD at Stanford University and graduated with a Masters. Currently, I am leading AI at an early-stage robotics startup Co.Bot building human-inspired robots. I am passionate about all things Deep Learning as well as its applications to Robotics and Vision. I want to build systems that are generally intelligent and able to reason. Recently, I have been focused on Reinforcement Learning and designing learning algori

I created and have twice taught the first class on Transformers at Stanford CS 25: Transformers United! — discussing the latest breakthroughs and broad implications of Transformers in AI. The class invited people at the forefront of Transformers research in various fields to spark cross-collaborative research, including eminent speakers like Prof. Geoffrey Hinton. Our lectures received an overwhelming public reception with over 100K views on Youtube .

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