Description: Danes je nov dan z delom na presečišču digitalnih tehnologij in demokratičnih procesov sooblikuje bolj vključujočo in pravičnejšo skupno prihodnost.

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Campaigns Tools Videos About People Ethics Appearances Slovenščina English Licensed under CC0 . As far as the law allows, Danes je nov dan, Inštitut za druga vprašanja (Today is a new day, Institute for other studies) waives all copyright and related or neighboring rights to , excluding all icons and images on Agrument that are not produced by Danes je nov dan. Today is a new day Cultivating critical thought. Posing other questions. Hacking a new day. Nurturing a safe, inclusive and modern

Transparent accounting May 2023 Transparent accounting is an open-source application designed for NGOs who strive for greater financial transparency. Using an intuitive and user-friendly interface, NGOs can enter their data and upload files, which the tool then organizes and presents in a clear and concise manner. The application generates graphs and tables, calculates ratios (such as highest vs. lowest salary, or the amount of state funds received versus the amount paid in taxes), and lists details about c

Transparent, Accessible, and Inclusive Municipality December 2022 This is a free handbook that was developed as part of the project "My Municipality: A Transparent and Open Local Government", supported by the ACF Program in Slovenia. The handbook is intended for local authorities and officials who aim to create better conditions for active public involvement in decision-making at the local level. It is divided into three chapters, namely Transparency, Accessibility, and Participation. Each chapter is furthe

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