Description: Institute for Dialectical metaRealism™ is an online institute of the MarkFoster.NETwork.
religion (3139) academic (1049) wissenschaft (938) theology (607) beliefs (134) religions (124) religious studies (76) religionswissenschaft (8) faiths (8) sociology of religion (7)
--> Major Subsidaries of the Institute Echoes of Cosmic Unity (ontology) Echoing Practice (meditation) Eudaimonic Eutopia (tendency) Heartfulness Inquiry (meditation) Unicentric Paradigm (ontology) Your browser does not appear to support JavaScript. Please click here for Mark’s research and writing. Your browser does not appear to support JavaScript. Please click here for materials by other writers. Your browser does not appear to support JavaScript. Please click here for categories of links to related
Relativist and fallibilist epistemologies are empiricaly applied as methodologies . One DmR methodology, a new qualitative human science of phenomenological analysis , is called Heartfulness Inquiry ™ or The Echoing Practice ™ . It closely resembles: heuristic , individual lived , integral , mindful , intuitive , integrated , organic , and phenomenological inquiries with autoethnography and participant observation (a.k.a. ethnography) among others . DmR remains open to incorporating a wide variety
--> Major Subsidaries of the Institute Antifa DmR Collective (praxis) Echoes of Cosmic Unity (ontology) Echoing Practice (meditation) Eudaimonic Eutopia (tendency) Heartfulness Inquiry (meditation) Mark by Mark A. Foster, Ph.D. (podcast) Unicentric Paradigm (ontology) Your browser does not appear to support JavaScript. Please click here for Mark’s research and writing. Your browser does not appear to support JavaScript. Please click here for materials by other writers. Your browser does not appear to s